How to Upgrade Your Hosting Plan and Increase Disk Space? Imprimir

  • hosting, ssd, webhospedaje, hospedajeweb, datatransfer
  • 107


Update your web hosting resources. More space on your SSD drive and monthly data transfer.


Follow the instructions below to upload your hosting plan:


1.- First you must log in to your account here with your registration email and password, or you can also use the Access with Google button to enter directly with your Gmail account which must be the same with which you created your account:




So Here we have to click on Service Tab. When we Click on the Services Tab, all our plans will be Shown.



Now you can see our hosting plan has been shown. Then here now we have to click on hosting plan.


on the left side you can see the Enlarge or Degrade. we must click on Enlarge or Degrade option. 



So my Currently configuration plan is 1GB. Here you can choose plan whatever you want to upgrade. My currently plan is 1GB and now am going to upgrade this in 2GB plan. So We Can check on plan requirements Now we have click on choose Product.



and here you can see your total amount. After That we have to select payment Method and to click on Continue. We Will Meet you after Payment. you have to want a while after making the payment.



Then your plan will be Successful Upgrade.



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